The Ring !

The Ring!

With hugs of joy,
Promise of a love lasting a lifetime,
A million dollar smile,
The two souls tied a knot in a union divine.
To spend a life of love, health and passion.
But the tides of time can turn in a blink of an eye !

On an unforgiving stormy night,
Disaster struck with might.
As sailing in an ocean serene,
Their sailboat capsized!

The lovers were justified
In pledging faithfulness after death, as in life.
As the damsel petite frightened, quivered all night.
Drenching wet the young man stood bold.
In adversity taking a firm hold.
Swimming with his beloved, he drifted ashore.

The unfamiliar island, wet, and cold.
Distraught, the young man fought
To keep warm his beloved and her spirit buoyant yet calm.
He wrapped his arms around her neck in a RING !

There the rescue boat found them in the morn,
Two angels, unconscious, serene.
Arms wrapped tightly around each other’s neck
Forming inseparable loops of life, their RINGS of Love and Security !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


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