Age Wise !

Age Wise !

As the years pass by,
And I grow older.
I find myself at a loss,
As I sit back and ponder.
A decision I must now take,
To age with grace,
And embrace,
Those peculiar quirks that one begins to trace.
On head, body or the face !
And know it’s just a phase
A part of a life lesson,
That time and tide wait for none !

I look at those little imposters,
That within my head I foster
That threaten to auster,
And change my posture !
Adding that grey blotter,
To the brown on my head.
I look at them and wonder why,
I need to dye,
The only signs of any wisdom,
Aye !

Tiny wrinkles around my eyes,
That I see magnified
Five times in that mirror !
I look at them and wonder why,
Those I rather enjoy.
Cause they add a twinkle,
Little laughter and a light hearted crinkle !

That memory I could so vouch for,
Remembering details that threaten to bore.
Mountains out of anthills I could make,
Remembering, repeating , a take and a re- take!
No event or a face,
Could I not place.
So elusive that memory is now
That name to a face I can disavow !

That time and tide wait for none,
A lesson one must again learn,
When it’s time to visit the dentist’s den.
And his chair is timid sheep’s pen !
Mouth wide open,
His tools a Zen.
I call out all the Gods,
Down and pretend.
One of them will protect,
And pray that this debacle ends.
And I can leave
With my teeth without impact,
And my dignity intact !

Then when it’s time to read,
My eyes blink and head reels.
I know it must be time to conceal,
My pair of beautiful irises,
My hazel prized possessions,
Behind some colourful horn rims !
And add another wise feather !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. Extremely beautiful poem which simply explains the reality of life - aging gracefully ! 👏👏👏👏
    You are simply superb Guncha 💐

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very suitable heading " age wise "

  4. Lovely deeply thought about the pains and the gains of being age-wise. The grey blotters...the new jewels on this queens crown.
    Sonia di.

  5. You should give me the first signed copy of your book of poems. They ought to be published whenever you decide. More readers should have the privilege of reading it. Many more children should have your poems as 'a must read' in their list of books to read. I've read all your proms and each has touched my heart in its own unique way.

    1. Awww Sofi .... you are very kind ... thank you so much ... long journey ahead 🙏

  6. It is a very meaningful and well written poem describing the process of ageing.The commonplace experience of every middle aged person,man or woman,has been expressed in apt words.

  7. O dear , superbly are awesome, keep writing and posting.

  8. Wooww another great peice from u di ... U really know how to work with words ... Ageing made so elegant 🤗

  9. Good caption. The words seems like flowing, sounds effortless poetry in motion. I share your thoughts too :)


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