The Accident !

The Accident

Wounded and bleeding he was wheeled in.
Eyes swollen, vision blurred, head reeling.
Zigzag gashes on cheeks, eyes and lips,
Emergency protocol in place.
Smell of scrubs and disinfectants overpowering
Cosmetics of concern, dermatologist was called in.

Lady in starched white doctor’s coat entered.
One look at the victim and she staggered,
A lapse so momentary that one would doubt it happened !
Composed now, suturing him, first aid she gave him
Giving a week for recovery and skin grafting, she left him.

Alone in her den
Her memory evoked
Their school bus she remembered
The victim hectoring
Her dark and freckled appearance !
Thankful now for the Accident that brought her face to face
With the man who for so long in her memory had gnawed her !

Recovered enough for skin graft,
The man now for the first time saw her.
Recognition dawned on him
Shock, denial, acceptance then repentance !!!
Accidental was their meeting
The Accident was his Redemption !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. One of very good poems I have read.The poem tells a story in brief.How a man shows lack of humanity and has to repent later when he meets with his nemesis. The diction n style are flawless.

  2. Enjoyed every bit... beautifully worded.

  3. Excellent...very good Guncha...

  4. Well conceived and equally well crafted! A lot said in just about a few words. Great work, keep the words flowing!

  5. Another good one to add to ur feather 👌👌👏👏 .... N Destiny they say .….


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