

A thought, a vision, a power, a weapon,
A debate, an illusion, a truth, a rebellion
A leader, a lawyer or a stooge !
A soul, a body or superb imagination.
A man, a nation’s need - pressing and urgent.

An idol born to unshackle a people
Liberate the enslaved,
Strengthen the cripple.
A force to reckon with
Polite yet firm.
A rising tide against apartheid, atrocities and unjust taxation.

Ahimsa, Satyagrah and Independence
Movements from a nation meek
Against all the British cheek
Synonymous now with Mahatma, Father of the Nation

A man who conceived the idea of Harijans
Stood for unity and freedom
Peaceful in life
Truthful in death
Accidental his consent to national division ?

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. A good poem on Gandhi,Father of the nation. Guncha has chosen her words very carefully and that is why she has been successful in keeping her poem compact and crisp.


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