The Red Lipstick!

The Red Lipstick !

The enchantress steps out,
Armed with her arsenal, a pout.
She has arrived and is here to stay
No bad, sad, bleak or black day,
Can stop the tempest in her purposeful stride,
As her red lips form that perfect smile.
The laughter ringing with confidence supreme,
A business can take off or crash down at her will.
A torrent can follow her or a traffic stand still,
If she opens those red lips and laughter spills.

Her little handbag with a raised flap,
Smaller is the treasure in her fistful clasp.
Admiring herself in a mirror at hand,
Her red lipstick plays a trick grand.
Setting up a pace for a day new,
Her spirits soaring as she takes a pew.
Secretive is the reflection that stares back,
Splashing the canvas red, right on track !

The warmth of a bosom can this red seem to a child,
Fiery like a seductress she makes men follow her wild !
Intentful, determined epitomise her,
Cool too casually becomes her !
Her red lipstick’s truly a weapon heady,
As the enchantress steps out calm and steady !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. A well written poem by Guncha It reminds me of the poetry written during Restoration period in England

  2. Wonderful.
    I remember how Achint, when younger, always loved to see me wear a red lipstick :*


    1. That’s the best relation one can see ... thank u dear ❤️

  3. So well written - enchanting I must say πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  4. O la la, i could picture the whole story and what happened after too... ;) Well written darling!!!!!. :)

  5. Wonderfully written...
    Takes the imagination in Overdrive...

  6. Wow! beautifully written poem!
    Red πŸ’„ rulesπŸ˜€

  7. This made my day, written so lucidly it resonates with real world of us keep it up you hv a winner hidden in you

  8. I adore your gifted talent Guncha. A Doctor and a poet=deadly combination. Awesome! poem. Thanks! for sharing.

    1. Thank you so very much Sonal .,, you are very kind


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