
Coercion !

While he strives to protect the lot
Of his country, a geographic spot,
Unmindful of his cuts and wounds
With unsightly events his mind’s consumed.
Heart heavy and a blemished soul,
Unwavering strength he still can dole.
For a noble woman awaits his return,
Filled with anguish and concern.
For her son, a precious soul
Straight featured, taciturn !

There is so much she wishes to convey,
To this hardened world some day.
Of perseverance and sacrifice,
Of anticipations and parting cries !
Her mind is full.
At her heart strings she pulls.
Bridling them to stay on course,
Pretending courage, her throat hoarse,
From secret cries,
Some useless tries
Of negotiations with Almighty.
Oh what a price !

She trades and barters
In her mind she charters,
A flight to the unforeseen land.
If only her precious can be returned
In place of her,
She’s turned a Marchand !

Offering everything she possibly can,
Her prayers unanswered
With hardened heart she now plans
To melt the Master
Redesign a destiny,
With obvious impunity.
In her desperation,
Taking up a challenge so grand !
As stone faced she picks up some attires black,
Neatly folding them on a rack
Making a mound skyward stacked !
Communicating an imaginary track.
Readying herself to mourn a demise,
Creating an unparalleled premise.
For the mighty Lord to bend
His moving finger and change a course,
At a pious mother‘s persuasive coerce !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. Guncha's poem tells very graphically how a mother waits for the safe return of her son from the battlefield.How she prays to almighty for the safety of her son. The language used is very lucid and makes the reader emotional.

  2. एक और अदभुत अविस्मरणीय अकल्पनीय कविता के लिए बहुत बहुत बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं!

  3. Such a beautiful way to epitomize the journey of a soldier's better half!! The real pillar of strength behind!!

  4. Told the story of a soldier and feelings of his mother, his wife who are eagerly waiting for his return from battle field . Lucidly told and fits in right on the
    occasion of Republic day

  5. Told the story of a soldier and feelings of his mother, his wife who are eagerly waiting for his return from battle field . Lucidly told and fits in right on the
    occasion of Republic day

  6. Wonderful read Guncha! Makes one emotional simply to imagine that journey both of the soldier and of the people waiting for him, a story of every home where a soldier is born......lovely
    Keep writing my friend!!!

  7. Very emotional and beautifully well chosen words... describes the struggles and sacrifices of a soldier's wife🙏


  8. Well knitted story depicting the emotions of a warrior's Mother. Requires a strong
    emotional quotient to be a warrior's mother..Keep going Guncha...


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