

I am a little butterfly
With patterned bright wings,
Flying over the mountains
Swaying with the winds.
Flitting on branches
Of trees brown green,
Spotting round peaches
Coloured red green.
I look for flowers
With petals that gleam,
To suck out the nectar
It feels like a dream.
I swiftly fly away
Chased by children or by teens,
Poking around bushes
Standing in a team.
I can see colours
Men cannot even dream,
Bobbing in the moonlight
While humans sleep.
Defining freedom
Skimming up a stream,
Silence is my forte
I don’t scream !
Symmetrical I may be
My species umpteen,
Myriad are my colours
Attribute of my genes.
Camouflaging in buttercups
Blooming yellow cream,
Managing to hide
Even when I preen !

I am a little butterfly
Swaying in the wind.

Dr. Guncha Gupta


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