A Fuzzy Cool Guest

A Fuzzy Cool Guest

As I lay resting on my bed in the dorm,
The soft sun rays slanting, fell on my face, keeping me warm.
Through the window above my head,
Eyes closed as I played sleeping or dead !
A velvet duvet circled my legs,
An attempt to keep the cold out that stole suddenly as the weather transformed.
Typical of that piece of land.

Unaware I lay
As the door opened.
Unaware of the soft, stealthy paws,
Hopping playfully on the floor across my bed.
Unaware of the cute mess created,
The pages of a book flying across the room.
Pens chewed upon.
Sweater sprawled.
A cozy made for ‘the guest’ !

And then, soft paws
I felt along my legs,
Through my duvet
Moving upwards.
Promising to spank me awake,
Gave me a certain start.
As I lay staring
Into a pair of familiar watchful eyes.
Of my uninvited, fuzzy, cool guest
Staring keenly,
Teaching me reproachfully,
The importance of time I wasted !
The agility of kittens and lethargy of humans !


  1. Yet another good poem by Guncha.A good example of objectification.There is something like surrealism as the reader is not able to figure out whether the poet is talking about a real life experience or writing about a dream


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