The Racehorse !

The Racehorse !

The gallant stallion,
Stands his ground.
He huffs and puffs,
Courage abound.
He gauges the distance,
While he canters around.
Then changes his stance,
To a gallop resound.
Charges ahead,
Other horses he astounds.
His neck moves like a wave up and down,
Jockey in the stirrup stands, to help gain ground.
Stallion covers such a distance,
Even the jockey confounds.
Leaving the grandstand spectators,
All dumbfound.
He gallops till the racetrack he can lead,
Opponents with their Jockeys pick up speed !
With bridled precision our stallion sped,
Oh ! such a thoroughbred.
To think this is his first race,
No frown on his forehead can one trace.
From gate to the flag,
Not missing a beat.
The crowds cheer this
Mighty beast !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. Another beautiful poem by Dr Guncha Gupta.The reader feels as if he were watching a horse race in a racecourse.The different speeds of the horse and corresponding postures of the jockey are vividly described

  2. Wow
    Gud going guncha
    Creative. . ..

  3. Very well written

  4. Reminds me of Sea Biscuit....Good one Guncha, keep writing.

  5. Your poem remimded me of the many races that i have seen.. keep writing Guncha.. enjoyed reading The Racehorse!


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