The Friendly Tree !

The Friendly Tree !

The little birdy chirps around,
In the park hopping up and down.
It rolls its head from side to side,
Till a tree is well within its sight.
It whistles a long tune,
Calling its mate to come soon.
And see the tree arched sturdy,
A place it seems to find worthy.
Yellow flowers growing in bunches,
In abundance from its many branches,
Drooping down
Towards the ground 
With long black beans too hanging down.

Sitting on the park bench under that tree,
In amazement, I watch with glee.

Now its mate has joined it too,
To inspect the tree without ado.
Chirping and hopping they keep up the banter,
The mate seems keen to pamper,
Our little birdy as he lovingly pecks,
At his mate’s neck.
In tandem they fly and perch,
At the highest branch after quite a search.
I feel some flower bunches fall,
Scattering into petals small.
I look up and leave my birds,
To their banter and their world.

And when I return the day next,
I look up and am astounded to find a nest.
Work in progress I realise,
As small twigs I visualise.
Intertwined to form a cove,
A harbour to keep its trove.
Balanced with precision,
On a branch forked in perfect position.
I see my bird peck around,
Ingesting flower sap and pollen brown.
As its mate flies in,
With dry twigs clasped in its beak.
Promptly it comes to aid,
Taking the twig and weaving away.

Quite a homey place they seem to have made, 
Of a strange tree within a day !
I feel the air merrier today,
With company livelier and gay.
The tree too seems to be in a blessing mode,
As flowery shower it bestows
All around 
Its base coloured,
By fallen beans and petals 
Grass looks speckled with lovely freckles. 

Dr. Guncha Gupta 
20 - 5 - 2019


  1. Another good poem about nature from Guncha's pen.Guncha is a very keen ovserver of birds and animals and their activities.She enjoys nature and is able to transfer that joy on to her readers


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