Romance !

Romance !

A breezy evening with light drizzle
Walking the lane, my hair in a frizzle.
My spirit peppy
Steps are light.
A jute bag I see on the roadside,
Under a shed for bus rides.
Green corn ears with golden threads silk,
Peeping out of the bag, an inviting trick !
Flowing around husks of the ilk.
My gaze caught,
Alluring aroma brought in a waft,
My steps falling in a line towards the lot.
An old woman fanning over,
Flames of burning coal hovering over.
Golden maize seeds on the cob roasting over.
The iron cauldron and charcoal cover.
That smell of burnt, blackened, charred corn,
Lemon juice and spiced salt powdered on.
Salivating as I wait my turn,
Poking at a few to see which would soft milk churn.
Selecting my find,
I hand it to old woman, so kind
To roast and sear,
Gold tasseled corn ear so dear.
I take a bite
Instant gratification I find.
Satiation of olfaction as well as gustation !
My idea of a romantic indulgence!

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. The poem talks of a different kind of romance.There is a childlike innocence about this Romance.There is a different type of sensuousness here.Guncha's poems can b prescribed for secondary n senior secondary students

  2. Kept on guessing about the typical romance with Mr Perfect till the keyword 'romantic indulgence' appears, but in the last line of the poem.

  3. The perfect romance !!!!!! 😀


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