

Into a labyrinth,
My mind wanders.
Fumbling upon memories
Of childhood blunders.
In my heart distinctly etched
Some enchanting tales,
Some little wonders !

Memories of our first piece of land.
Our house under construction,
We walking with grandmother hand in hand.
The large family and even larger plans.
The playful laughter,
Our games grand.
The little old coin and a metal elephant toy,
Presents from grandmother that I dug deep in the sand.
Meaning to retrieve them,
My treasure hunt planned.
Going back to search that patch of land,
Only to find a beautiful sapling
Arising from the earth where my treasures sank !
Waiting patiently for the tree branches to span,
And bring me a treasure trove of metal elephants and coins to pluck as and when I command !
Instead received juicy lemons as prize for my patience !
That I simply could not withstand.

My memory journeys
Into the naughtiest instances
Of sibling pranks.
My little brother and those grasshoppers
He so grandly grabbed
To scare me out of my wits as I ran.
Those Friday shoes,
Sports white, school wear I cleaned till they shone spick and span
Slipping in,
My toes met with wet and slimy toad that squat.
My pulse rate quickened and my heart sank !
Wailing my lungs out timidly, away I shrank.
While my little brother valiantly volunteered to help grab
That slimy creature that he had himself slyly planted
In my shoe behind my back !

Those weaves of sinewy grape vine
Growing from our little garden,
Climbing to reach up our roof.
The persistent honey bees
Hovering to ruin, their honey combs a proof.
Memories of mother stitching  little cloth bags
To cover the sour bunches,
While we tried to squeeze out a few !

Those pranks !
The grudges !
Are all memories precious now.
A testimony to a childhood well spent,
In the lap of nature and
For company, a happy clan !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. A good poem.We r all nostalgic about our childhood but not all of us are able to express our childhood memories with such clarity and detachment.There is honesty and simplicity in the way Guncha has written about her childhood days.Well done Guncha!

  2. Reading ur poem made me go down the memory lane of my beautiful cherished childhood .


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