The Lord’s Muse

The Lord’s Muse !

A cool evening twilight,
Starless sky,
Zephyr slight,
Showers with thunder and might,
From heat a respite.
Clouds dark with edges silvery white,
Sky changing colour by the minute,
Shining from occasional thunderstorms and light.

Breezy weather,
Such a pleasure.
To be the Lord’s own muse!
As He views,
Through the cloud shutter,
Lens aperture,
Opens and shuts,
As if to click a picture !
A lucky treasure !

I stare,
Awestruck at first.
Belatedly smiling,
Lest He should stop filming,
A moment most thrilling.
My grandiose posing !
Gestures most exaggerating,
But heart warming !
Me and God chilling !
In the midst of thundering
Rain and storm !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. The poet is perfectly in communion with nature and that is why the reader is effortlessly transported to the rainy season in mind's eye. A wonderful effort

  2. Such a beautiful creative writing, awe-inspirational :)

  3. It was a pleasure to read .... I was actually imagining the nature, the clouds, the thunder as I read through ....

  4. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


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