A Superstition!

A Superstition !

Little Mynah sits and chirps,
On the clothes line on my turf.
Even before my eyes can adjust,
To the random motion of the dust,
In the first light beam of the sun.
Time to wake up and go for a run.
Persistent in its effort,
Chirping me out of comfort
And forcing me to get up !

Brown body with a black hooded head,
Leaves its cozy little nest.
A yellow patch behind the eye,
The bill and legs are yellow bright.
Perched in my balcony with the first light,
One or Two as they deem right,
Chirping till they are in my sight.
One or Two before my morning cup,
One I believe is not such a good luck.
Foretells a day that might suck !
Or just be a lame, lame duck.
Yes! two is just what I love.
Harbinger of a joyous trove.
How I wish to see these two,
First thing when my eyes open, I do!
A prediction of happiness, a treasure.
Oh! such great a pleasure.
They herald good fortune for me,
A day full of excitement and enthusiastic ecstasy!
Even a thing that might not as good be,
Seems but trivial inconvenience to me!
This is how much I love to see,
Two Mynahs first thing in my balcony.

Three and Four,
Mean a letter and a boy,
Seldom do these I come by.
Nor do I particularly care,
For two is where my heart lays bare!

A harmless superstition I believe,
Of avian music and birdy intrigue,
As forecasting tale they weave !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


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