A Coop !

A Coop!

The young rooster struts around,
Then it perches up the mound.
Preening and primping till all the hens surround.
Its feathers are white,
Blood red comb bright.
Wattles long,
Breast jutting out with pride.
It inspects its coop,
Till hens and chicks line up in a loop.
Crackling and crowing,
It commands its troop !
The hens follow its every move !
It puts up quite a show to prove,
That an order and a structure it has brought,
To that noisy flock !
Pecking and squawking it takes stock,
Its long tail circling like a frock !
It regulates feeds,
Allowing timely seeds !
Keeps the predators at bay,
So the hens can safely lay.
Hence know
If you plan to roost
You must head to a rooster’s coop !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. A very entertaining poem.A poem everybody,young or old, will enjoy.The language is simple and apt.

  2. 👏👏👍 great going ... Really nice 👌


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