My Miracle Story - A true story

My Miracle Story

April 1996 post my X boards result, I got selected to DPS, R.K.Puram for my higher secondary.
And post the initial excitement and furore about a small town convent school girl achieving a big feat, I realised the gazillion task lying ahead of me - cracking the pre- medical tests while making sure I could at least pass the mathematics paper that being the essential in DPS !
The days seemed to turn very bleak indeed as I started from a brilliant student of St. Theresa’s Convent School, Karnal - a scholar board member to a mediocre in a class of almost four hundred and fifty students all sections included.
The smile disappeared
The stress level multiplied,
The weight loss started
Loss of appetite !
The health deteriorated
The morale wasn’t high ...
A small break arrived
As the ‘Festival of Lights’ !
I came home
For that little respite,
My miracle appeared
Bang on the Diwali night !
I went to the rooftop with some candles to light,
And an angel saw my plight !

The narrow ledge
Near the roof edge !
I thought I saw something bright
On that new moon night
I bent to examine
The object to my delight
Turned out to be an oval pendant
Without a string tied !
An old old rusty figure of Our Trident God
The Divine head
With a large braided bun atop
Bejewelled with a slithering snake
Another entwined around the blue neck
Lord Shiva !
The divinity had finally arrived
Opening His third eye
As He saw His troubled child
Help was here I thought
No more have I been distraught
Since I have realised
The Might
Of a prayer of pure heart and mind !
My miracle I found that night
Oh! On that dark dark no moon night !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


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