Life !

Life !

Life is an adventure
Not always easy or without fear
The end, I believe is still fair.

Life is a journey
Full of blissful moments
Not without trials and tribulations.
Life is a lesson
To be learnt the hard way
Destiny is written well in advance they say.

Life is a canvas
Paint it your own way
Make it as bright as you may
The greys and blacks might still stay.
Life is complex
Not linear an equation
There is however an answer to all questions.
Life might not be a dream
Thorns may accompany the blooms that gleam.

Life has a purpose
To find and change,
Add a perspective
Make some difference.
Life is worthy
Of all risks and afflictions
Stay true to yourself
In all situations.

Life is a progress
Not a constant,
A wheel in motion
God’s own beautiful creation.
Give it your best
Avoid stagnation
Life is an adventure
Not always easy or without fear
The end, I believe is still fair.

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. A poem well worded n beautifully depicting the duality of life.I wish the writer told us more clearly that life is more of pleasure than pain

  2. Well thoughtful and clearly depicting “Life”. Amazing job Guncha.

  3. What an apt description about life .... good one

  4. Life truly is an adventure!
    I believe so too.

    Beautiful poem.
    Loved it.

  5. Well done ❤️❤️


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