Laughter - the medicine best !

Laugh it off !

When you are sad
And the day is bad
When the going gets tough
And work seems rough
When the spirit is low
And you end up in a row
Laugh it off
For laughter is a must !

When the world seems shallow
Life feels hollow
The clouds are dark
Snow too cold
Day seems bleak
Enthusiasm weak
Laugh it off
For laughter is a must !

Too much ado ?
Count away, yes please do
When chaos is much
Circumstances such
And the troughs ride more than the crests
When you would rather laugh
But all that you can do is cry
As tears run by
Laugh it off
For laughter is must !

When there is a lot on your mind but no words to say
When all you can really do is pray
When thoughts are all astray
And the little doubts always creep in the way
When the mind wanders
In the world beyond and yonder
Laugh it off
Oh you must !

Laugh it off
Yes ! You must.
For laughter as they say
Is the medicine best
A cure for broken heart and mind
Is a jest
A remedy it is
For all maladies
Harbinger of a fortune good
A memory it brings of carefree childhood
Laugh it off
Yes ! You must.

Dr. Guncha Gupta


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