Kinder world - photosynthesis the easy way !

How Do Plants Cook Food ?

The day progressed with a lazy little one who refused to focus and learn the ongoing theme in class... ‘the plant kingdom’ ! And the scene was almost a one act play with a solitary actor performing like a parrot - ‘Myra what do plants need to grow?’
No reply.
My words fell on deaf ears!
She was too busy playing with her crayons. And I was in a hurry. Seventeen thirty already !!
I quickly made my to do list in the brain. Teach her quick, my mind almost screamed. Soon it would time for her dinner. And then Zumba fitness for me - an hour of sweat breaking, fast paced exercises as if I needed any more adventure than I already had in my life ! But it was a cooler way to stay fit and not to mention meet some new exciting non- medico faces. The trainer being a dude helped my cause further!

And then almost a Eureka moment as I asked Myra - ‘Hey do you want to play telling a story?’
She agreed almost immediately and excitedly asked me to go first. I sensed my moment and almost without giving it another thought started with my master piece ....

Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Myra and she was playing in the field full of sunflowers. The field was very attractive and submerged in vivid colours of yellow, brown and green. The large sunflowers faced bright and upright towards the sun, basking in the heat and light. Their stems standing at attention in almost a tandem like an army of soldiers. The scene was too attractive and Myra decided to pluck the most jovial and handsome big yellow sunflower standing in the centre of the ground.
Pluck, the sound went.
And almost immediately the entire field echoed with the reverberating sound of oh no! What did you do that for?
The plucked stalwart sunflower stem in the middle of the field drooped and looked so forlorn.
Myra was sad now. She asked the neighbouring sunflower why did the field look sad and forlorn all of a sudden.
Oh you hurt him. You injured him. Do you even realise how much effort it took for the little seed to germinate and grow up into that beautiful sunflower you are holding in your hand?
The farmer planted the seeds in the soil and watered and fertilised it each day till the minerals and water from the soil were taken up by the seeds that germinated into small saplings with roots. Th farmer watered, tended and fertilised the saplings till they started growing up bit by bit. As the saplings grew, the water and minerals were transferred from the roots through the stem and branches to the leaves. The leaves took up the carbon dioxide from the air and along with the minerals and water requested the sun for heat energy and in the presence of sunlight cooked the plant’s food. The plant grew and as it grew big each day with the lovely food that more and more leaves cooked, it gave small buds with tiny brown seeds within that grew into the sunflowers that we like so much and that gave the field such a lively outlook.
Now Myra was sad. She apologised to the sunflower plant for the hurt she had caused it.
The plant excused Myra and asked her to never do this to another plant. In return Myra gave the plant some water and fertiliser. The roots quickly transferred the water and minerals to the leaves. The leaves took up the CO2 and in presence of sunlight cooked enough food for the plant to grow back it’s sunflower and the whole field looked radiant as before!
Hurray !! Said Myra and learnt a valuable lesson that day ....

18 July 2018


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