Educate your girl child - A cause dear to my heart

#EducationForEquality & #ICICIBANKAURA

A girl child
Is a nation’s pride
A future mother
A nurturer
An inspiration,
And a guide
Her education is her birth right

An educated mother
Produces a healthy child
All the preventive methods
She abides
Correct age at reproduction
She prevents population explosion

She remains dignified
Ill behaviour she defies
Education gives her confidence
Education is her strength
On her, her family can rely
Educated mother
Means a respectful child
A future man of spine
A future woman - kind

Literate mother
Means Cleanliness
Which is next to Godliness
Better sanitation
Good habitation
No malnutrition
Importance of vegetation
Fresh Air for inspiration

Educated girl child
Brings independence of thoughts and mind
Gender discrimination she shieds
Educated girl child
Capable of working both at home and outside

She can run an enterprise
She can be a teacher very wise
A pilot
A doctor
A cook
An engineer
A minister
With confidence alike
She can raise a happy child
A Nation’s happiness, prosperity economic development and growth figures she can spike
A lot depends on one educated woman who, an entire village can guide
Caste and cultural discriminations she can avoid !

Empower your girl child
Stop fetal infanticide !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


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