A Painting

A Painting

A checkered window,
Overlooking an old willow.
In an ornate mansion,
On a Rocky Mountain.
With dull, unpolished, rough window pane
And a well worn curtain,
Tied aside with a strain,
Fabric sheared from a dame’s train.
Allowing an uninterrupted view,
Of a cobbled passage with mildew,
Growing on the flora old and new.
Trees casting a shadow,
Blades of grass swinging in dusky mellow,
An owl hiding in the hollow,
Of the old willow.
An antique chair strategically kept,
For anyone who cared to be swept
Off and reflect
In the imagery of the evening twilight
A picture painted in black and white !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


  1. This is the work of someone who is deeply in love with nature.The poet is capable of painting with words.No brush or paints required

  2. The words are so well articulated that not much efforts one has to put to imagine with eyes closed.

  3. Painting is self discovery every good artist paints what he is.

  4. Very well written. Such a great creative gift !

  5. Beautiful poem painted with creatively placed rhyming words. Superb!

  6. Black n white painting expressed so beautifully that it added colours to imagination .


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