A Feathery Reincarnation!

A feathery reincarnation !

If I were to be reborn
Dear Lord
Make me a bird
With wings so strong !
That I can fly
Up up so high
With freedom to defy
Even the wind - aye !
Like a Phoenix burn down
And from the ashes rise
To a whole new life
Exploring the skies
Petite, weightless like a star in the night
Seeds would be my preferred diet
From tree to tree I would fly
Fluttering and tasting the fruity fly !
With beak so strong I could pick up a worm
Or knit a nest to keep me warm
Collect some twigs from the neighbour’s barn
I could line my nest with a woolly yarn
Pluck some leaves from the tree so green
Make me a shed to keep away the rain
And when the sun would be up again
I could hop and dance simple and plain.

Make me a bird
O dear Lord
And see of Your own accord
How of Your glory, I sing
Rapturous, fascinating, wondrous things
Make me a bird
Dear Lord
With feathers bright
Songs sweet and wild
With heart so light
A child’s delight !
Make me a bird
Yes ! Dear Lord
That above the clouds I can melt away
For faith and freedom I pray !

Dr. Guncha Gupta


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