The Litigation !

The Litigation! The drama unfolded, In a packed courtroom. Damsel in distress, Young man, clueless. In their hearts, no desertion. A little agitation, Maybe some aggression. Looking for a re-conciliation, Surely not proper litigation. Handsome youth, Damsel petite. Had fallen in love, Like a magic trick. The sky was dark, Bright stars were quick. To cast a spell, And weave a lovely flick. Love seemed thick, Worth a photo click! What went wrong in their connection? Attorneys there were in contention! Plaintiff and Litigant - A well planned disputation. As they declared the case to rest. At the equal division of everything the couple possessed! How to divide was anybody’s guess! The drama turned humorous, As the little pooch whimpered, To see his doggy possessions scattered, While they divided and bickered, He to the lady’s lap scampered, Lest they bisect him in division! The car being the man’s prized possession, The damsel was ready to use dis...